What is trading indicator?
What is a trading indicator? A trading indicator indicates the direction of the market trend. It is called a trading indicator.
Types of trading indicator
There are many types of trading indicator mostly used such as RSI, EMA, MACD, volume Indicator, oscillator indicator.
Use of rsr indicator RSI indicator is used for predict a market direction or a trend direction they aresi are mainly three types of four types of RSI such as Red blue green yellow this are types of RSI and we can set the other other colour RSI in different different for example RSI red can be 10 RSI blue can be 50 RSI green can be 70 RSI yellow can be 100 when the RSI 10 breaks the 50 RSI that means the market is going to the noun trend the 10 rs I break occur across the 50 RSI green Market will go to the upward direction that means the market is going to us up trend
Use of EMI EMI is also can be predict a market direction to EMI direction Ema also has many of many market Breakout direction for example when the range is set on 20 and if the market starts moving to a one direction the emu will break the candle towards the direction and the market will start trending for example band EMI will break the candle upward direction or cross the candle with amf what direction the market will go to the poor direction and when the Ema will cross the candle downward direction the market will go down direction.
Use of indicator mseb this indicator also pride is the market moving range for support when the market breaks the upward direction the indicator with also indicate agree signal
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